
Aniamals cruelty

I red an aricle about animals. But not about sweety cats and something like this, but about animals cruelty and how animals are torturing. There were also movies but I couldn’t watch them all, because there was for example men which was stending on a dog like I don’t know or a rock ! Or someone was frowing cats to the rubbischbin. And I was realy schocked when I saw how people are cruel and this is why I want you to tell about it.

So I think animals are our friends but is natural that we need food and this is why we are killing them. But people mostly befor killing are torting them and it isn’t nessesery because they can do this in human way. There were pictures of cowes which were beaten and they were just waiting for the deth, so I think people should give them good live befor it. For example they should allowed them to run on the grass where the sun is shining, because it all what they need and want and later their give as food and many things.

Many products are testing on animals and it won’t be bad but first they make them ill. So for example there is a dog which is healthy and nothing wrong to him and scientis are making him ill to test tablets. This kind of tests aren’t haveing results mostly, and in this kind of reserach every year dies about 12 milions animals ! And it is very big number. Sometimes animals react diffrent than people so it isn’t very good. For example we used for one reserch 200 dogs but people reacts diffrent so it was for nothing!
There are webside where you can write name of company which is making cosmetics and you will see are they testing theirs products on animals or not. Symbol rabbit in triangle which you can see on products or cosmetics means that it wasn’t teasting on animals. World Society for the Protection of Animals is organisation which want to make animals life better. There is also Klub OK where are companys which are free from animals cruelty and they don’t test theirs products on animals. In internet you can see list of this companys.

I think we should stop torturing animals beacuse they have feeling too and sometimes they are more friendly than people. I think if butcher will make of glass we all will be vegetarians.



Valentine's Day

This holiday came to Poland from USA. People are sending love letters, buying flowers and presents, hugging and kissing. Everywhere we can see couples, hearts... In this time love is just in the air. Research made in Great Britain showed that in Valentine's Day most number of couples started dating! I think that Amor's power working like that. :)

I realy like the action in buses. Next to places when can sit four persons are stickers with inscription : Place for people, not in love. Fell in love in the bus.

Of course there are people which are staying at home in front of TV watching romantic comedy about perfect love and eating ice creams, chocolate and more and more sweets. Remember ! Time will come for everyone. Everything what you need to do is just wait. So go out with your friend and enjoy the Valentine's Day. :)


Computers, phones, internet...

Are we addicted? Can we live without internet and constant connetion to all of the world? Times changed and technology still moves on. Today even children have theirs own mobile phones. 

Some time ago when I was in the bus going to school, inside enterned group of childen. I think it was just kindergarten which was going on the trip. When I heard what were they talking about, I was just surprised! "My dad bought me a new IPad." "My parents bought me it too and they said that I will have the second one." When I was younger I was arguing with my friend who have more dolls, no IPads! 

Very big number of people just when they entern the bus or tram, they put theirs headphones on and strart to listen to music. For my is a little bit strange when I am sitting next to someone but we don't pay attetntion eachother. Now something about internet... It's ok I know that everybody wants to be up to date but one hour per day it's enought. We don't even know when we starting to looking for some stupid and unnecessary things. I know people who prefere chatting with people on facebook than meet them in real life! I think when they won't meet they won't have any topics to chat about. 

I like playings games like most people my age, I love SIMS and games like that and I need to confess that I am spending some hours on it, but I know when say stop. So this is tip for you :) Switch off the internet, computer and phone. Just go outside with your friend! Have fun and great memories!


Discovery Centre - Cenntenial Hall

In our class we have just started (once again) our school project the Szkoła w Mieście.

Today we were in Centennial Hall in the Discovery Centre. What is it ? It's a place where we can learn more about history which intertwines with innovations of the future. There we can know more about genesis and historical transformations of this hall. There are touch screens, maps and a lot of photographs. On walls are screens with games like a piano or puzzles and inspirational quotes.

We were in two rooms. The first one was in an old style. There were old telephones, shelfs and drawers with hidden screens with presentations, hidden informations in black and white newspapers.
The second room was more modern. There were a lot of touch and interactive screens. Both rooms were nice. But what was the point of our visit ?
We were working in groups and we had to find some informations about something or somebody. my group had to know something about Max Berg. We did it and on our next lessons we will make computer presentations about him.

And what do you think about the Discovery Centre ? Would you like to visit this place ? :)

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New Year Resolution

New year resolution…hmmm… I’m sure that everyone have one. I heard diffrent kinds of resolutions from my friends. Be more confident, eat healthy, work out, read more books, learn more and have better marks in school and more and more and more.

 Inventing new year resolutions is easy, but what about keeping them? I think the more important thing is motivation. Without it we won’t do anything. Sometimes one day, one right thing is enough to keep us move on. Why are we having resolutions? Because we want to change ours lifes, make it better. But you don’t need new year to enter some changes. It’s normal that we are having worse days and we just giving up. Next day is lurking behind the corner! Just smile and do that what you want!

In this year I’m trying to eat helathy and work out. I love doing sports so I don’t have problem with it, but I am just addicted to chocolate. And what is yours new year resolution?



Oatmeal Cookies

Hi there!
It is known that everyone love cookies. But most of them are fattening. I have got a solution of this problem! Oatmeal cookies! There are healthy, delicious and easy to make.There you have a recipe:

-1,5 glass of flour (it can by ordinary, wholegrain or maize)
-2 glasses of  oatmeal
-0,5 glass of sugar (white or brown)
-0,5 teaspoon of soda
-0,5 teaspoon of  baking powder
-2 eggs
-200g of buter

This is the basic recipe. Now to this you can add whatever you want! :) For example:


You need to melt the butter and later just add everything together and mix. Smear a baking tin and put small pies. Bake in 180 degrees by 15-17 minutes.

Bon apetit! :)
