
Oatmeal Cookies

Hi there!
It is known that everyone love cookies. But most of them are fattening. I have got a solution of this problem! Oatmeal cookies! There are healthy, delicious and easy to make.There you have a recipe:

-1,5 glass of flour (it can by ordinary, wholegrain or maize)
-2 glasses of  oatmeal
-0,5 glass of sugar (white or brown)
-0,5 teaspoon of soda
-0,5 teaspoon of  baking powder
-2 eggs
-200g of buter

This is the basic recipe. Now to this you can add whatever you want! :) For example:


You need to melt the butter and later just add everything together and mix. Smear a baking tin and put small pies. Bake in 180 degrees by 15-17 minutes.

Bon apetit! :)


8 komentarzy:

  1. There were really good and thanks for them !!! :)

    Jula i Ola

  2. I thing it is really great recipe and if I would any have free time, I will try to do them :). What a pity I didn't get them ;( Ala D.

  3. Paula U're liar, whe didn't get anything. I'm really disappointed. :c

    1. Ten komentarz został usunięty przez autora.

    2. hahah I'm so sorry but I didn't make enough for second group but I promise I will make them for you :D <3

  4. your recept is brilliant, i'd love to make these cookies! even though i haven't tried them, i'm very curious about it! i'm sure you're a great cook, and I'd like to meet you soon
    Greetings from Poland <3
    han i jul

  5. I see there isn't much work, so you can do them more often ;3 Only when you do this, it is so good

  6. And we get. It was really tasty. ;)
    Maby I'll use the recipe on one free day and bake some of them by myself?
    Thanks for the recipe! ;)

