
Computers, phones, internet...

Are we addicted? Can we live without internet and constant connetion to all of the world? Times changed and technology still moves on. Today even children have theirs own mobile phones. 

Some time ago when I was in the bus going to school, inside enterned group of childen. I think it was just kindergarten which was going on the trip. When I heard what were they talking about, I was just surprised! "My dad bought me a new IPad." "My parents bought me it too and they said that I will have the second one." When I was younger I was arguing with my friend who have more dolls, no IPads! 

Very big number of people just when they entern the bus or tram, they put theirs headphones on and strart to listen to music. For my is a little bit strange when I am sitting next to someone but we don't pay attetntion eachother. Now something about internet... It's ok I know that everybody wants to be up to date but one hour per day it's enought. We don't even know when we starting to looking for some stupid and unnecessary things. I know people who prefere chatting with people on facebook than meet them in real life! I think when they won't meet they won't have any topics to chat about. 

I like playings games like most people my age, I love SIMS and games like that and I need to confess that I am spending some hours on it, but I know when say stop. So this is tip for you :) Switch off the internet, computer and phone. Just go outside with your friend! Have fun and great memories!


3 komentarze:

  1. I agree with you. It's horrible.
    Probably few mounts ago I had really similar situation.
    The world have been changed and it's steal changing.
    Probably more of work people do in XXI century coudn't exist without internet and all of it.
    That's sad.


  2. I think I'm addicted :'(
    I always have headphones im my pocket.
    I can't say STOP and I'm playing too much on computer

  3. You wrote really interesting post. I thought about it for a while and maybe I am addicted. Not very much, in my opinion, but every day I spend a little time on facebook or yt. I don't agree with you in one point. I don't think it's strange to listen to music on headphones while I am in the bus. I listen to music every day I go to school and i'm bored when I don't to this.
