
Something about bullying

 I decided to write about it, because I think that bullying is one of the most serious problems that can touch each and everyone of us, in any place. But, what exactly is it?

What is bullying?
Bullying is a form of repeatable aggressive behaviour. It' s usually against single person who is different than the others and unacceptable by some offender.

People who do it usually have more influence or power over someone else, or want to make someone less feel less powerful or helpless.
These people bully out of anger or frustration, they may have low self-esteem or they could been also victims of bullying.
We ought to know that bullying has many different types too:
  • Physical bullying.-It includes hitting, punching, kicking, pinching and it's very dangerous sort of it.
  • Verbal bullying.- It includes behaviours like name-calling, teasing, intimidation or verbal abuse.
  • Covert/ hidden bullying. - It's hard to recognize this type of bullying, because even victim couldn't know about it. The purpose of it is to harm someone's social reputation. It includes: joking, making negative facial or physicals gestures, spreading rumours, lying.
  • Cyberbullying. - This form of bullying can be covert or overt behaviour using the newest technologies like social media or instant messages, It can happen any time and any place. It includes: hurtful text messages/videos, excluding others online, nasty rumours and gossiping, imitating others online or using their log-in.

Facts and statistics

 "It is estimated that 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students. Source: National Education Association."

"56% of students have personally witnessed some type of bullying at school."

"282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools each month"

"1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% of the time"

"By age 14 less than 30% of boys and 40% of girls will talk to their peers about bullying".

How bullying affects?

Bullying can affects on others in very different ways, but scientists are sure that it has very bad influence on other person's psychic. Victims of bullying could feel hopeless, guilty for living and alone. They could also get depression and start to think about suicide, because in their minds it's the one and only way to release from bullying. 
It's very sad, because they start to think that they aren't normal people and they are worthless.

Unfortunately this happens much more often now than in last few years. Nowadays many of young people try to commit suicide, cause they hate themselves and their life. 
We can hear about deaths of depressed teenagers from television, internet on even from the radio. 
Usually people who are bulling other people doesn't have even faintest idea that because of their behaviour, someone can end his life. They are shocked.

Our reaction is important

Most of the time bullying takes place with bystanders present. Bystanders are those who witness or know bullying is occurring. The way bystanders act has a major impact on bullying.Bystanders who are passive (take no action) or behave in ways that give silent approval (watching, nodding, walking away) encourage the behaviour to continue. 
They do it because: of fear of being bullied, they think that it's fun to watch it, they think that some one else will help. It's the worst way that we can react if we are witness of bullying. I was making researches and I have found interesting video where some man is making social experiment how people react on bulling. 
Video is below. 

How we can stop it?
Bullying is a very serious problem, so I think that we should know how to react on the behaviour like this. What we should do when we see bullying?
In most of cases we probably do completely nothing, because we worry about ourselves like I wrote in the last paragraph. The best way to help bullied person is to help him and punish the offender. Tell "buller" that his behaviour is terrible and that he has no reason to bully innocent person.
I think that in this way we can rescue somebody from depression or even suicide, show other people that bullying has to stop now! 
The other case is when we are bullied person. Many of experts think that the best way is to not respond on "buller's" attacks. However I think that sometimes it's impossible and we mustn't let others to hurt ourselves. Being neutral is sometimes too dangerous.
In that case we can tell person who is bullying us face to face that device that he behaves badly and hurt us. This is only for brave ones I think.
We shouldn't forget that we always can ask for help people who we trust to. They can support us and advice how to solve a problem.
Whatever form of bullying takes place, we should react on it. It's bad to do nothing because this new social problem spreads very quickly. People who were bullied in past often want to do it, cause they want to make high their low self-esteem (reason of being victim).
I think that teens should get to know about bullying and its negative consequences.
It could help to cure dangerous "bullying virus"


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